Protecting Endangered Species - The Childing Pink

Ground Control completed some works for the Environment Agency on the Shoreham Flood Alleviation scheme on the Sussex coast to help protect an endangered species. Ground Control was asked to support with rectifying some issues at a site in Shoreham Harbour. Works to the flood defences in this area have been completed along a very small section of beach which contains a nationally endangered plant species, called Childing Pink. A section of this rare plant habitat was damaged during the construction of the flood defence wall and the site was not remediated by the original contractor with the correct soil type to allow the Childing Pink or any other desirable plant species to recolonise.
The Childing Pink was once well distributed along the South-East coast of England but now is only found on two sites, Pagham Harbour and this site at Shoreham. Chiding Pink is protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 because of its endangered status, and it is only found on areas of undisturbed and partially vegetated shingle and sand. The EA recently undertook extensive works to excavate and remove the poor previously imported material and replace with local shingle and sand from a nearby beach area. Ground Control together with the EA and Jacobs (Landscape Consultants) developed a proposal to protect and re-vegetate the area.
The scheme involved the installation of a Geojute erosion control geotextile fixed in place using bamboo pegs (100% biodegradable), installation of timber knee rail to deter access, sourcing and planting a range of native coastal plug plants. Ground Control also had to carefully lift, divide and replant some other abundant species (mainly Sea Couch) from the adjacent historical habitat. We will now be maintaining the site for the next year to help ensure the Childing Pink survives and can hopefully thrive and extend its habitat at Shoreham in the coming years.
Tania White, NEAS Senior Environmental Project Manager, said, "...what a fantastic sight it is. Thank you all."