Introducing the first auto-mower on-site with Severn Trent

After the conclusion of our ‘Planting a Legacy’ project with Severn Trent, our partnership has seen another successful and exciting step forward with the introduction of the first automower on site in Melbourne, Derbyshire.
The new Husqvarna automower is set up and operated via an app, which allows our teams to set a mowing schedule and route using the mowers satellite navigation. Whilst mowing, our on-the-ground operatives support Severn Trent, providing grounds maintenance across the whole site.
With Severn Trent’s aim of “Taking Care of the Environment” intrinsically aligning with our ethos here at Ground Control, the introduction of our first automower is an important milestone.

Whilst looking to add more automowers across our partnership with Seven Trent, Brian Cowe, Contract Manager commented:

Grounds Maintenance innovation continues with the Maritime Museum
