Ground Control Are Already Preparing for Winter

The combined forces of the Ground Control Winter Maintenance team and The Gritting Company are already working hard to prepare for the coming season. Ground Control leads the Gritting and Snow Clearance industry, with the highest density of customer sites (over 9,000) and an extensive network of field teams across the UK. Last winter was a great season; but this one is going to be bigger, better, and longer… literally. Our 2020-21 season is going to be 16% longer as we will provide our services from 21st October to 21st April.
Part of the preparation for the season ahead is talking to our customers about how to prepare. As businesses begin to return to their ‘new normal’ and our renewal packs are sent out, we have already seen many customers look for opportunities to plan ahead. our Winter Maintenance team are using this opportunity to engage with customers about their sites; liaising with them to get their contract set up to best suit their needs and site requirements.
Ground Control’s strengths allow us to offer some fantastic improvements to service. For example, the extension of Ground Control’s Winter Season dates into October and April to cover the colder days we have seen in these months, and incentives to sign up for a 2-year fixed price contract. Encouraging our customers to sign up for fixed pricing helps them to manage their costs over the coming years whilst reducing their risk in the event of a harsh winter.
Our team are also preparing in other ways, sourcing salt and servicing of our gritting vehicles located at our Leeds Depot and those with the teams nearby, ensuring we work within the constraints imposed by COVID-19. As soon as conditions allow, our teams will be extending their schedules to cover the rest of the fleet throughout the UK.
We know that with our newly combined forces, not only are we the largest winter maintenance provider in the UK but we are uniquely placed for the forthcoming season to deal with whatever the winter weather decides to throw our way.
If you want to find out more about our winter services or prepare your sites for the winter ahead, please email