Celebrating National Tree Week with EQUANS

In celebration of National Tree Week, Ground Control is pleased to be supporting EQUANS, a leading expert in energy efficiency, facilities management, and regeneration, in planting over 3,000 trees across the UK.
This is the third year that EQUANS (part of ENGIE UK and Ireland) has worked with Ground Control on these multiple tree planting schemes, as part of a joint mission to reduce carbon emissions and achieve net-zero status sooner, rather than later.
Since 2019, Ground Control has contributed through match funding, expert tree planting services, environmental consultation, and sourcing and delivering the trees, materials, and shelter.
This year Ground Control is supporting nine tree-planting schemes at EQUANS sites across the country. Our specialist staff will facilitate the planting of approximately 3,040 trees, and our Corporate Social Responsibility initiative fund will contribute £2,500 of match funding. We will continue to offer value-added environmental services and consultation when necessary.
Planting took place at these sites between 27th November and 5th December 2021, coinciding with National Tree Week.
Some of the EQUANS sites that had new trees planted during the week include the Rugeley power station redevelopment, Wisbech community farm supported by Clarion Housing, Keele University low carbon energy project, Eadha Enterprises at Whinneyhill Wood, and BBPL (Birmingham BioPower Limited).
Chris Bawtree, Woodland Creation Lead at Ground Control commented
Jessica Pawley, Environmental Manager at EQUANS commented,